Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Things that make me smile. :D

I am doing a blog of things that make me smile! Enjoy.

1. My Family. Any time any place they are there for me. And any time I am upset they comfort me and make fell better, that just makes me smile:)

2. My Freinds. They make me laugh and smile. I <3 you guys!

3. My Baby Brother Freddy. Learning new things as the journey of his life goes on. SMILE :D 

4. School (sometimes). I enjoy learnig new things that I don't know and meeting my friends which is one of the thing that make me smile.

5. My live for making these thing make me smile!

P.S there were more things that makes me smile but I cant think of them so...I put my top 5 <3 <3